We are pleased and proud to be able to offer a variety of products specifically aimed at the challenges of fly fishing lakes.  Many of these products also work well on rivers, streams and other non-stillwater environments.

Over the years, as we travelled to various shows, seminars and workshops, we were often asked about where could someone find stillwater specific products. 

Together, we have used, or had specific input into the development and use of, each product on our Stillwater Fly Fishing Store - from our books and DVD's to our flies.  These are products you will find in our kit bags, at our fly tying stations and perhaps most important, in use as we fly fish lakes around North America.

We encourage you to browse and visit our store often, as we are always looking for and adding new products.  If you have a specific product need for your stillwater forays let us know.  Perhaps we can source and add it to our store, not only for your benefit but for all stillwater fly fishers.


Phil Rowley & Brian Chan